
Whether you remain on your existing site or move to a new location, your property is evaluated according to several criteria including building orientation, vehicular and pedestrian access, location of utilities, and parking capacity. The applicable zoning and planning codes are reviewed and a meeting arranged with local officials [if appropriate], to determine what uses are permitted on the site, the limits on building size and bulk, and what permitting process will be required for the project. The existing building is evaluated to determine its capacity to support the new program, the physical condition of the building and environmental systems, and conformance to life-safety and accessibility codes. Based on the preliminary information, Landau/Harding recommends what options are viable for the site, and whether the expense of further investigation is warranted. If the preliminary evaluation indicates reusing the building is feasible, a more detailed evaluation is completed. Tasks include a structural and mechanical engineers survey of the existing facility to determine the condition of key building systems, the building code is analyzed to determine requirements that would have a significant impact on construction costs, and measured drawings of the building are prepared. The benefit of this two-tiered approach to the facility evaluation is that the project team can decide if the cost of a detailed engineering study is warranted by the preliminary study.